Monday, November 24, 2014

New Hearthwick Candles from Woodwick Candle Now Available

The new Woodwick Hearthwick Flame 16 Oz. Candles have a soothing crackle and a long, dancing flame that evokes the soothing sounds of a crackling fire. The new Hearthwick flame lets you experience the cozy comfort of a glowing fireplace anywhere in your home. Includes a wooden lid. Approximate size 7.5 x 4.5 x 3.25 H. Hearthwick Candles are now available in 10 best selling fragrances at at Hearthwick Candles.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Irvin's Tinware Electric Tart Burners are Back

We are pleased to be carrying Irvin’s Tinware Punched Tin Electric Tart Burners again in 6 styles. Irvin’s Tinware Punched Tin Electric Tart Burners are perfect for fragrancing your home, office or dorm with wax potpourri without an open flame. The burners are handcrafted in Pennsylvania and are available to order at Irvin’s Tinware Punched Tin Electric Tart Burners.