Tuesday, May 13, 2014

McCall's Candles Shipment Received

We have received a shipment today from McCall's Candles. Most non-seasonal fragrances are now available to order at McCall's Candles.

TartBurners.com carries McCall's Candles in a large number of sizes and fragrances. TartBurners.com carries McCall's Candles 26 oz. jars, 16 oz. jars, 5 oz. jars, reed diffusers, wax potpourri buttons and candle bars.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Keepers of the Light Candles Shipment Received

We have received a shipment today from A Cheerful Giver Keepers of the Light Jar Candles. Most non-seasonal fragrances are now available to order at Keepers of the Light.

TartBurners.com carries Keepers of the Light Candles in a large number of sizes and fragrances. including 34 oz. jars, 22 oz. jars, 6 oz. jars, lanterns, wax potpourri melts
and more.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Enchanted Meadow Shipment Received

We have received a shipment today from Enchanted Meadow. All products are back in stock including the popular Zen for Men products and Linden & Mimosa l

Enchanted Meadow personal care products are blended from the finest ingredients, including Vitamin E, Sweet Almond, Avocado, Jojoba & other Essential Oils, plus extracts of Aloe Vera, Rosemary & Chamomile. The result is high quality formulations that moisturize and nourish the skin with a deep epidermal penetration that leaves no greasy feeling.